Monday, June 02, 2008

I Have Become a Fan

I have mentioned before how I love to find new blogs to read. Not that I need to find any more at this point of my life, but if I come across a new and interesting site, it makes me happy. I'm not sure that I could call myself a "Midwesterner", even though I have lived in the dead-center of America for almost 4 years now. It's a life I never expected. I am getting better at recognizing crops as I pass fields and fields of green. I can identify different breeds of horses. I have learned to love the smell of barns.
Going back to my first point, I recently stumbled across a blog that I have thoroughly enjoyed. The site is kept by a woman who is the wife of a rancher. She grew up, never seeing herself living in the Midwest. Yet she fell in love with a cowboy. I can relate to her environment just a tiny little bit. Although, I do happen to live right down the road from a Starbucks!
Here is a short interview of the Pioneer Woman. Watch out! You may become as addicted as me =)


Priscilla said...

Calf nuts in the freezer?! What kinda of ranch is this?! LOL! Actually, I guess I do have to admit that I have eaten one, long long ago in Good old Wyoming. But I'm not sure I would want the kids to play with them. I'm not very high end but I have a few lines... :D

Holly said...