Monday, December 08, 2008

What's up?

*Meet Flash. Flash here is a little red ball of mystery. Why you ask? Flash has not eaten one piece of fish food for the year that he has lived here. I gave up a couple of months ago when I realized that he completely ignored all efforts to feed him. Yet he thrives. What in the world does he ingest to survive??

*The winds of change are a-blowin'. Seth gave in his notice last week. His last day of working for the man will be January 31st. My husband is a freedom lovin' soul where his goal in life is to become his own boss. He's been working hard towards this goal for a few years now and has finally come upon an open door. Yep, it's scary but it's not like I haven't had major lessons in trust lately!

*I have a favorite Christmas album. It's this album by Sufjan Stevens. I could actually listen to it all year but I hold back. It's better that way.

*I have a new best friend. It's this. Sure it looks a little bit like a straight jacket but it works wonders on my daughter. And it has velcro. Velcro!

*My husband is working out of town in January for 14 days straight. If I think about it too long, I have a sudden urge to take up thumb-sucking again.

*I love my boys. I am amazed at their creative, imaginitive minds. I can't stand their bickering. This is the part where my mom's voice sneaks into my head- "You just wait til you have your own kids. You just wait." I have and I understand now, Mom.

*I have an idea. Let's go here for Christmas. And maybe never come back?


Holly said...

This is my favorite swaddle blanket. . .Bryson was in it for 6 possibly 7 months. . .no velcro, but STRAPS inside to hold his arms down. . .amazing. Truely lives up to its name!

Congrats to Seth! Peace to you!!

Priscilla said...

I am all over Kona with ya girl!! Year round works for me!

I am praying for you guys in this time of transistion! Very excited to see what God does!

It was SOO good to spend a little time with you and to hold that precious little girl!