Saturday, April 07, 2012


Dream big. Dream bigger.

I've heard this a lot recently. I have forgotten how. My dreams consist of that first cup of coffee in the morning. The hope that my children won't throw any fits in the first five minutes of waking up. The desire to fit a workout in sometime along my day. To find that magic recipe that literally takes 5 minutes to make and requires no clean-up afterwards.

I dream for my husband. I dream that his business would suddenly take off and every step would no longer be a days-long battle. I dream that his music would be heard.
I dream for my children. I dream that they would grow up with a deep love for Jesus and a passion for helping others. I dream that they would always know who they are and walk with joy, leaving bitterness way behind.

Something needs to grab hold of me. That thing that keeps my identity in the midst of my day to day. I am who I am. Having entered my 30's, a new peace has come with this thought. After years of struggle, years of depression and self-hatred, I am free. Mostly. It's time to dream.
Dream big. Dream bigger.


Priscilla said...

Beautifully spoken. I can't wait to see what the next season of our lives will hold as our identity is slowly built back into us, and encompasses, more than the amazing but all consuming title of "Mother". What beautiful seeds He has been planting in your heart and along the way in your life. It's going to grow into something beautiful. And big1

Jeannette said...

Sarah, I've actually been dealing with this lately. I have dreams for everyone but me. God is dealing with me and showing me that I need to dream for me too. Thanks for sharing!

Seth and Sarah said...

Yes, you do need to dream for yourself. So thankful the Lord is showing you this... Maybe it's our age that's bringing this to light?