Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Potty Talk

I grew up with a brother. I married a man. I gave birth to 2 boys. You would think that by now, I would be completely used to all the "potty talk" that has met my ears. You would think! I try to embrace the world of boys. Some days are easier than others.
From the age of 2, Elijah has played around with different words, bodily functions, and reactions that he gets from Mommy. My favorite, probably because it was so innocent, was when he was at the beginning stage of potty training. He would sit on the toilet and grunt. Then he would say, in the cutest voice ever, "I can't reach it!".
As time went on, Seth kindly layed down a mandate in the house that will hopefully last through the boys' growing years. -When Mommy is around, there will be no activity involving natural gas-. I appreciate that more than Seth will ever know.
So because of Seth's example, Eli isn't really obnoxious about "boy stuff". It just comes out naturally sometimes. Today we had one of those moments. Eli had just finished his "business" so I had to go in and clean him up. He then gave me a nugget of his own wisdom-
"Mom, when I tell you that I don't have to go anymore,
that means I have finished pooping.........in Spanish."
All I had to say to that was "Wow".
In other news, Josiah made his mullet-lovin' Uncle Adam proud today. He woke up with what could only be described as a crazy baby mullet. I just had to share...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, ONLY Elijah could come up with a statement like that!! He is one of a kind!!!I love that boy!!
Oh yea, I'm glad I get the "mullet" joke too!
love you guys!

Anonymous said...

ok, I had to read it again. It's even funnier the second time around. I can just hear his serious little voice teaching his mom Spanish.

Seth and Sarah said...

Yes, the master of languages =)

Anonymous said...

oh, sarah, this is so funny and cute! i have to say river and winter do things like make up motions and tell me what they mean in sign language and constantly tell me "spanish words" for things!
excellent teachers our sons, eh?