Tuesday, September 18, 2007


For the past months, Seth and I have been training. Lots and lots of running. Our lives have revolved around running. Can we go out and have dinner? Nooo, we have to go out and run. It's the weekend. Can we sleep in? Nooo, we need to get up and run.
It has been an interesting journey, this marathon training. It simply began for a half marathon but somewhere in there, it changed. The call to go higher, I guess you could say. Now 26.2 miles looms before me like a mountain I'm not sure I am able to climb. But inside I feel the challenge and say "Okay, let's do it."
Last night, Seth and I ran almost 18 miles together. It's a terrible process to go through. The breakdown of physical, mental, and emotional capabilities. Until all that is left is the resolve to get home. One foot down...good...next foot down...good. There are also the nice parts. The second and third and fourth winds that come unexpectedly and you think you can run forever. The moment of finish when you cannot believe you have run that far.
I will save you the plethora of spiritual analogies the Lord has shown me through this training. All I will say is that Paul spoke of "running the race" for a good reason. It makes total sense to me why he would use this as a picture of our lives in the Lord.
Seth and I will be running this race on October 2oth. Goal? To cross that finish line in whatever fashion seems fit, although I would like to stay away from the hands and knees crawl. Too dramatic for my taste...


Anonymous said...

I can so hear you on this. I've never run even a fraction of 18 miles (well I guess 4 would be some kind of a fraction but still) but the picture of the Christian walk has been so clearly illustrated to me through running as well. I also just love being out there away from my chores and responsibilities and letting my mind wander, talk to the Lord and just think. It's a grand thing! In between gasps of air that is.... :) I am in awe of you! A full marathon now eh?! Go Sarah! Go Sarah! You're my hero! Take a picture!

MG Welch said...

Okay, so I got the contact sheet and thought I would check out your "blog." I admit (humbly) that I don't get it. It's like a journal for all to see, right? And yet, I think I might just start one!

Seth and Sarah said...

Oh, you should definitely start a blog, Graci! It can be anything you want it to be...=)