Friday, February 01, 2008

Florida, The Call has Come to You!

Tomorrow, February 2nd, the Call will be happening in Orlando at the Silver Spurs Arena at 10am. Read the following letter from Lou Engle and see if it doesn't spark something in your spirits. The Lord has a plan and purpose for Florida and I don't think we have any idea what it looks like!!

Urgent - TheCall Florida

Dear Florida,

Four years ago we launched a prayer movement for the ending of abortion, elections, and spiritual awakening in our nation. For 50 days and nights, up to a hundred young people gathered together for continuous fasting and prayer. During this time, we received a very significant dream from a prophetic leader in the nation. In the dream, the letters F-O-C-U-S-S were seen. They stood for Florida, Ohio, Catholics, Universities, and Swing States. For those 50 days and nights, we cried out to God for Florida for the turning of the elections. The prayers of thousands in Florida and the voice of the church turned the tide in 2000.

Once again, we are in a critical moment, and Florida is a swing state. Not only is Florida a swing state for the elections, but also it is a swing state for revival in the nation. Great moves of God have come out of Florida in the last 30 years. The sounds of prayer that birthed those movements are rumbling again.

I just got off the phone with two key pastors in Florida, and the first pastor I talked to has 24/7 prayer in his church and twenty full-time intercessors. The second pastor’s church is in 21 days of fasting and they hold three prayer meetings a day. When I hear this, my heart is stirred. I believe history books may well record that 2008 was a year of the great prayer reformation in America.

We look back a hundred and fifty years, and 1857 is recorded as the year of the great prayer meeting revival. A million souls were converted, and four years later, the civil war began. The great harvest was swept in, preparing for 600,000 men to die on the battlefields of the civil war because of the shedding of innocent blood of the slaves. It was America’s day of reckoning. I believe that we could be headed into times like these again because of the shedding of innocent blood of 50 million babies. We are in a crisis. America is desperate for revival and righteous leaders to be raised up who will overthrow the covenant of death of Roe v. Wade.

In the land of Terri Schiavo and Baby Rowan, and in the land of colliding ideologies in your great universities, Florida is once again ground zero. In times of crisis, God’s remedy is united massive fasting and prayer. It is in the faith that God will hear the cries of His people when TheCall comes to Orlando on February 2nd at Silver Spurs Arena. It is not a festival, it is a fast. For 12 hours, we gather not for entertainment but to turn to the Lord with fasting, brokenness, and worship.

Twenty-five years ago, I read Derek Prince’s book called Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting, which he wrote in 1973 because of the passing of Roe v. Wade. A Brit was burdened for America. That book became a textbook for my life, and TheCall was born out of Derek Prince’s vision. The basic premises of the book are that kings and rulers are raised up and removed when God’s people fast and pray and the latter rain outpourings are precipitated by collective gatherings of fasting which become the hinge of history. It was out of Florida that Derek’s ministry exploded.

I met him in Ft. Lauderdale when he was 86 years old, and I thanked a father for giving a son this revelation of the power of fasting from which TheCall was born. We wept together in one of the most precious moments of my life. This is a part of Florida’s heritage. What will you do with this legacy?

I am determined to carry forth Derek Prince’s legacy, and I believe it is for such a time as this. I have personally launched into 21 days of fasting for Florida leading up to TheCall because I am deeply burdened by the significance of the moment.

We are in a Haman-Mordecai moment. Esther was promoted and Haman was promoted and a 3-day fast determined whose voice would be heard. Haman’s court was overruled by the Supreme Court of Heaven and a Mordecai was raised up.

I would like to call those whose hearts are stirred in Florida to 7 days of fasting leading up to TheCall with the first 3 days in an Esther-type fast for your primaries on the 29th. Let us, for those 7 days, prepare for TheCall by cleansing ourselves and crying out to God for a great awakening in the state. When you hear the sound of the trumpet, gather to me there and there the Lord will fight for us. (Nehemiah 4)

For TheCall,

Lou Engle

Oh, and if you have some time, I totally urge you to watch this video. Seth and I watched it the other night, expecting to only watch a little of it...we ended up watching the whole video. The intensity doesn't even begin to match what is on God's heart for this issue of Innocent Blood!!

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