Friday, May 21, 2010

Strike a Pose

I can't help it. My camera screams at me to pick it up whenever Lyla is near a window. Can you blame me?

My sweet baby is now 18 months old. I can't begin to tell you how much fun she is! I feel so blessed to have both boys and girls because I get to observe the similarities and differences between the two. This girl can carry a doll in one hand and wrestle with her brothers with the other hand. She has her very own language. A tonal babble. The only way I can decipher what she wants is by her tone. She has recently picked up the habit of licking things. Not quite sure what's going on there. Doll eyeballs? Yes. Little sister eyeballs? Um, No. Juice cup? Yes. Carpet? Not a good idea.


stormydawn said...


Priscilla said...

Your camera is pretty smart! It knows when there is beauty to capture. She is truly a lovely little girl! And hilarious too. Licking carpet?! Awesome. lol

nana said...

I would like to have some prints of these pictures, please. She looks like her mama!=)