Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy Boys

I do believe I have a couple of very happy children. They eat well and laugh often. What more could a mother ask for? Hmmm, good question...more sleep, more quiet time, more sanity...but I digress.
We have really enjoyed the boys the last couple of months. Josiah is really coming into his own now that he's walking and attempting to talk. Elijah's mind is in constant motion always ready to include us in his little world at any time. Seth and I are constantly praying for wisdom (I can't imagine doing this whole family thing without the Lord, for real!). Some days feeling like we are on top of all of it, other days ready to crawl in the hole where all impatient parents go.
As I look at these 2, something in me rises. Hope, expectancy, and faith that these 2 will make it. These 2 could very well usher in the second coming of Jesus. This generation will see more than I ever thought possible. But the greatest hope I have for them? That they will love Jesus with all of who they are and they will know His intense love for them. That these 2 will see themselves as the "Bride" for whom the Bridegroom is coming back for. And that their highest purpose in life will be to have the deepest relationship possible with their Creator, their Father, and their Friend. I pray they will never feel pressure from me to pursue these things but that even by my life and the way I pursue my Beloved, they will want to do the same. Amen and Amen.

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