Saturday, January 13, 2007

This Week in Macchiville

What began as a windy, blustery week ended in back-to-back ice storms. Winter is finally upon us. I have not put my face in fresh air for 2 whole days now. Why, you ask? Because if I tried, it would freeze and fall off of my head. Anyway, here are a few photos that highlight this last week...

Here are the boys pretending it is warm enough to climb up an actual playground set. What can I say? When it's this cold, you end up a bit desperate.

Here is our fearless wonder.

Who, by the way, got a real haircut this week by a very sweet woman from IHOP. It was a perfect introduction to the "real haircut" world because it was done in the safety of her kitchen with me holding him. He behaved brilliantly!

I know there have been quite a few blogs concerning Josiah's hair. I would apologize, but I think it has become its own entity. We could actually name it if we felt so inclined. Here is a pre-cut photo to back me up on this...

Final exciting news around here. Today we began a much-desired project of painting the living room. It would have been done years ago but the sky-high ceilings have been quite intimidating. Well, we tackled it today with the help of our super-duper friends. Here is a little preview of the color. We will finish it tomorrow and then I get to do some decorating. Yahoo!!


Anonymous said...

The haircut looks great...can't believe all the curls!!!
Can you kiss those cheeks again for me??

love you!

Anonymous said...

I love the paint! I do not like having white walls all the time. Thank goodness our rental has a light beige color on the walls.