Sunday, January 21, 2007

What's that White Stuff?

I just talked with a friend who moved here from California almost 2 years ago. We were saying how much of an adjustment it is to have our lives temporarily dictated by weather. 2 weeks ago we had a couple of ice storms. It took forever for the ice to start melting and then last night we were the reluctant receivers of about 6 inches of snow. I'm not sure if I could ever get used to this. I am thankful we live in a place where the winter temperatures do actually go up. And that we don't live in an area where it stays like this all winter long.
But the boys LOVE the snow. In fact, as I type this, they are all out there playing in it. I decided to forego the pleasure...

I think if I had a snowsuit like Josiah's, I would reconsider. He looks pretty darn comfortable, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks so cold!

Anonymous said...

It looks like they are having a great time! We are thinking about trying skiing or snowboarding...but I was wondering what I would I know. A snowsuit like Josiah's. :)