Saturday, November 15, 2008

Note To Self

Next time you give your newborn infant a bath and she happens to pee in the baby bathtub,
make sure that when you pick her up, you point her bottom away from you.
Because your daughter could be enlisted as the next weapon of choice for the military.
Two words- Explosive Action.


Jeannette said...

Hahaha! I can just imagine the fun you had with that...

Holly said...

OH MY!!!

stormydawn said...

Ha Ha Haaah ha hah!!!!

I'm actually LOL!!! really that's so funny.... and so reminiscent of days gone by for me! Ha hah ha ha!

I'll pray for you! I remember the early days for each one of mine. All wonderful and all full of surprises that, for some reason, you should have remembered to be cautious of, but the couple of years inbetween babies, and the wonder of a precious child in your hands, had miraculously erased your memory of!

much love