Saturday, November 22, 2008

Two Weeks

Wha' Happened:
- We saw Madagascar 2 with Adam, Leya, and the girls. Between the 2 families, we almost took up a whole row.
-We shot through approximately 60 diapers. You think she's done. But she's not.
-We're on a 3 hour feeding schedule. Not too shabby.
-Her brothers fell more in love with their sister.
-The 5 of us took a trip to Costco as a sort of test run for future shopping. Results... Anyone know of a service who will deliver groceries to my house?
-We passed Lyla's due date yesterday, the 21st.
-Lyla's math skills rock. 1 hour of playtime/eating = 3 hours of sleep.


stormydawn said...

yep, sounds about right! and wonderful!

hope you're enjoying every minute of it!

-little mad girl said...

oh! aren't baby highs the best thing in the world?! i truly admire you for being able to balance 2 other kids in the mix! Lyla is perfect. i love her little mohawk hair. ;) by the way, the day before i went into labor, i read your birth story blog and saw that you mentioned someone in your family named "Leya". My husband had a few middle names for Hero narrowed down, and he said he would choose the middle name on the day of her birth after he sees her. Well, I told him about "Leya" (He's a huge Star Wars fan, and I really dig that spelling) and right after Hero was born, still all slimy and new, I looked up at John and said "So what's her middle name, Daddy?" He chose Leya. So, thank you!!! :)