Monday, January 12, 2009

2 Months

I have had plans for days now to sit down and write a proper blog. About the holidays and family. As you will soon see, that's just not going to happen. With Seth gone, I am forced to schedule things like showers, dishes, laundry, kids' baths, making get the picture. Blogging has fallen way down the list. I will, however, give you a short update on my sweet baby girl. First of all, she is absolutely amazing. Lyla is going to soon realize that she has a whole houseful of people who are head-over-heals in love with her. She opens her eyes and immediately has 2 brothers (aaand 2 parents) in her face to get her to smile and talk back. Something she is very willing to do these days. She is sleeping. Halelujah she is sleeping. I'm only going to say this once because I have friends who hate me for this very thing. My kids are what you call "good sleepers". It must be a genetic thing because Lord knows that Seth and I love to sleep. I was a little nervous that I had hit the lotto with the boys and would pay for it later with any other children. Something that may happen. But not with Lyla. The girl loves her sleep.
Here are a few pictures of our little Cupcake, Ladybug, Chicaberry, etcetera etcetera etcetera.

It's like she knows something we don't.

This awesome playmat has now been spit-up on by 3 children. It has done its job well.

Girl going out on the town. Mexican food and Costco. Oh yeah.

Talking to her little buddies. What does a panda bear, lamb, and 2 month old have to chat about? Who knows??

She's just plain cute. Says the unbiased mother.


-little mad girl said...

babies DO know things that we don't-- i'm convinced of it! Hero looks at me the same way-- like she is full of purity and wisdom that we have lost somehow by growing older.
Lyla is precious!!!

Holly said...

What a sweetheart, thanks for sharing these photos. Bryson was/is demanding, but he sure knows how to sleep too. I can't wait to meet my little bundle in April. Praying she is a sleeper also. I LOVE TO SLEEP. . .I can't deny it!

Anonymous said...

AAHH! I miss her and the boys and you!!

love you! and thanks for the updated pics

Priscilla said...

She is lovely! I love the look on her face in the top photo! you are so right! great photos Sarah! You should take a class and do it for real! You'd be an aesome pro.