Monday, January 26, 2009


I have found that the most difficult part of Seth traveling so much in the last 7 years is not necessarily his absence (although there have been times when the loneliness was almost unbearable) nor is it the lack of his partnership (although there have been times where I have just wanted to cry because the kids were driving me absolutely insane). It's the transition. The 3 days to a week where we get used to "normal" again. I would describe myself as a "work well under pressure" type of girl. When Seth is gone, I implement a system that works well for everyone. The kids get fed, bathed, clothed, and even have some fun time in this system. The preservation of my sanity lies in the function of my well-oiled machine. These last 2 weeks were no exception. It felt like a test for me. How would I manage 3 children all by myself? For 14 whole days?? It actually worked better than I thought it would. All 3 children were in bed by 9:30pm. Lyla started sleeping through the nights. The house stayed relatively clean (okay, maybe I was a little obsessive on this one) and I even got a hot shower every day. It may not have been until 10:00 at night but it was done. The wonderful bonus? Generous friends who took the kids twice for a few hours so I could have some time by myself. Thank you Dan and Misty!!
Seth is home now which is so awesome I can't even describe. Yet there is the struggle of transition. Part of me wants to stay in control because my system worked. The other part of me wants to not do anything because I have done everything for so long. I know that in the middle lies peace.
Meanwhile, he has 3 kids who absolutely adore him. I'm pretty sure I do too! I can't imagine walking this journey with anyone else. Oh and did I mention that this last 2 week trip was the last one?? I guess I'm just going to have to figure out the transition of Seth working out of the house to Seth working from our house. More on that later...
I will now leave you with these cute photos of brother and sister.

Seriously, how can they both be smiling the same adorable smile at the same time??

Secrets. I hope good ones.

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

Very well put Sarah. Although I must say, your system quite obviously works alot better than mine! lol! Once again confirming to me, that you are Wonder Woman! Wow! I dare say this next transition will be a MUCH more pleasant one! Hope you two can find that perfect balance between home and work. LOVE that last picture! The look on J's face is priceless!