Friday, January 20, 2006

Do books ever impact you?

I just finished reading this book. It was difficult to get into right away but after the first couple of chapters, I was hooked. All throughout, as I read about this young woman's life, an internal voice would exclaim "That is so me! Her thoughts are my thoughts!"
So I began thinking what it is exactly that the Lord is preparing us for. Over the past few years, I have heard that a lot- "The Lord is preparing you. It's all for preparation". Is martyrdom very far from us? I mean, think about it. If you tune your ears you can hear the tales of those that have given their lives for the Gospel. Not 100 years ago but last week, yesterday, even today. Is there a possibility that this choice will one day come to us in America? After reading this book, I can almost say that I hope so. Not in a romantic, dramatic way but in true sincerity. I cower at the thought of torture or great amounts of pain but I just can't get away from the nagging thought of "What an honor, what a privelege to be given such a clear choice and choosing Jesus above life!"
That being said, what I honestly believe is that we are given that choice every single day. Many times it isn't as clear-cut as having a knife to your throat or a gun pointed at your head but it's always there. If we wake up every morning and choose Him above everything else, then we will have made the choice to decrease so that He may increase. I desperately want to know what that feels like. To be so full of Him and so empty of myself that it actually changes the atmosphere in which I walk.

Perpetua. Another one of those life changing reads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a calling for you... reviewing the books you read and making them personal. Your blog is GREAT!!!
I love you,
Pam (Mom)