Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bragging Rights

So I have to brag on this handsome guy for a bit. Elijah's personality is one that does not do well with sudden change. He has always been like that. I remember when he was a baby and we would walk in a room full of relatives...there was always the "I'll grab him first" rush. And he, without fail, would always burst into tears. Because he needed some time to adjust to the room. Then slowly he acclimated and was fine. He is still that way. When he walks into a room full of children, he is never one to rush into play. He needs time and space to figure things out and then he is okay.
So with Seth's new travel schedule, it's been a bit rough for the little guy. He really misses his Dad. And I think that's a good thing because it shows what a great relationship the two of them have. Before Seth left last week, he showed Eli the website of the hotel he was going to stay at and even Google mapped the way there for him. That really helped the E man because he needs all the information possible to adjust to the change.
Elijah has done so well when Seth is gone. He obviously misses his Dad but he really steps up and helps me out. He and I still have our battles but they are much more few and far between. He's growing up so quickly...physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are times where I just love to sit down and have a conversation with him because we can do that now. I enjoy watching him with Seth. They really have such a special bond. I pray that will always be the case...

Okay, I'm finished rambling...What I really wanted to show off is Eli's new summer haircut. It has never been this short but it's great. It makes me cooler in this 100+ degree weather just looking at him!


Anonymous said...

My, My, what a handsome guy!! I can't wait to kiss them cheeks!!

love you all!

Seth and Sarah said...

alright. so now i'm gonna cry