Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's Over...I think

Halelujah! The 4th of July has come and gone which means so has the obnoxious firework-ing. If it was just the 3rd and 4th when people did their fireworks, I could actually say that I enjoy the know, celebration and independence and all that. But here in the great state of Missouri, the sky is the limit when it comes to how soon they start. June 30th? Let's light them at 1am. July 1st? Why not 2pm? I should have counted how many bombs were thrown into the drainage systems. The whole house shook when they went off.

Well, last night we joined the masses if you will and sent rockets screaming into our neighbors' yards. And had a really good time doing it. Eli was so excited to finally get to light the fireworks that had been in our garage since Christmas. (We drove through Tennessee and stopped at the Daddy store of all firework stores, The Firework Supermarket.)
He even got his own punk and lit many of them himself. Of course, with Daddy right there watching.

As much as I enjoy celebrating with friends, I have to say I wait in no great anticipation for next year!

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