Sunday, August 06, 2006

Midsummer Nights

The past few evenings, the family has made its way to the front yard to enjoy some fresh air without baking ourselves. When there is 100+ degree weather, you really try to stay in as much as possible. But around 7:30, the temperature drops a bit and a nice breeze begins. Perfect conditions for Elijah's Big Wheel to come out or bike or skateboard or whatever suits his needs for the evening. Josiah is content to park himself in the grass and just watch his big brother go wild. Tonight I broke out the gallon size container of bubbles that have been hidden in the pantry for a year now. Here are some pictures of the boys enjoying them...
Eli going Kung Fu on the bubbles
The joy of a child
And one bubble for you, Sir
Darn, it popped!

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