Monday, May 07, 2007

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

I wish I was the one snoring! Rainy weather always makes me so sleepy. And it has been raining for days and days. We have a sump pump downstairs. For all of you who don't know what that is- a sump pump takes the extra water from the ground and pumps it away from the house (I had no idea what they were until I moved to Missouri). Ours has been working overtime which I am very thankful for because we are hearing many reports of flooding basements.
My weekend was wonderful. As Seth mentioned in his Week End Weekend Review, he watched the boys while I spent my time with my beautiful friends (and about 90 other women) at a woman's retreat. I'm usually not a big fan of the "extreme girly-ness" that is bound to happen at these events. But when I found out that this retreat was taking place and it was going to be on my birthday, I knew it was what the Lord wanted me to do. And it was pretty darn awesome! I watched the Lord heal my friends' hearts. Which blessed me more than I ever thought possible. And my heart? I just have to say He is so good and so personal and so ready to speak. To all of us if we just slow down enough to listen. One truth I walked away with- He doesn't run away from us, we run away from Him. He is always there, loving and kind and NEVER disappointed in us.
My 29th (gasp!) birthday was so special. I have a feeling that this year, walking into 30, will be quite the adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but no pillow fights?