Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Birthday Boy

One year ago, on April 19th we met the most amazing person. His name is Josiah Daniel and he happens to be our son. Let me tell you about this little guy. He (along with God) decided to come a bit early...5 weeks early to be exact. He only weighed 4lbs and had to directly go to the NICU. He spent 2 weeks there, where he ended up surprising the doctors and nurses by how quickly he grew. I remember one afternoon I walked into his room at the hospital and the doctor greeted me with the announcement that "It is official. Josiah is the biggest eater in this room". Now this didn't surprise me, being a Macchi boy and all!
After we brought him home, there were a few tough moments because we still had to take him to this specialist and that specialist so they could give the final okay on his health. He, thankfully, passed with flying colors.
It is interesting being a parent of a "preemie". There are the constant comments of how tiny your baby is. So you begin to take a preemptive approach and tell everyone who might glance in the direction of your baby "He's a preemie".
After 6 months, when all the guilt and the what-could-I-have-done-to-prevent-this thoughts had been worked through, I noticed I had a great sense of pride in Josiah. He really is a little fighter. His body is the one that had to learn how to do all the things we take for granted in full term babies, even the simple task of eating. He had to be fed through a tube the first few weeks of his life. To go from that to eating on his own was a huge accomplishment. And now I see him responding to the world around him...to his big brother, his dog, his grandparents, and us his parents...God is so amazing!
What joy this little man has brought into our lives. God has blessed us beyond our imagination with our 2 sons. So Josiah, as we celebrate this day in which you are completely oblivious, know that we love you. May this next year be one of health and harmless discovery!

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