Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter thoughts

I've been sitting here for at least 30 minutes trying to type down what I have in my heart but it doesn't seem to be working. There are so many "churchy" terms that accompany Easter and I am trying to avoid every single one of them. I feel I have to be honest-quite a few years have gone by and Easter has passed without much thought of the death and life of my best friend. The last few years, though, have been growing in intensity, this weekend no exception. I woke up Friday morning heavy with thought of what Jesus endured for the joy set before Him, which was ME and YOU. I'm sorry but this is just way too amazing to comprehend. I'm going to bed tonight with some "the-night-before-Christmas-when-you're-8-years-old" excitement because tomorrow we have the privelege of celebrating the coming back to life part of the story.
Lately I have had this thing in my heart that has been nudging me to not forget "the message". At first, I thought it was the message that drew us here to Kansas City. The idea that it is possible to live a life in pursuit of intimacy with the Bridegroom King. The message that completely changed my shame-filled "christianized" heart. I finally was able to look Him in the face because He said it was the one thing that I should always seek to do.
But I think "the message" that I have been praying would not fade and would be refreshed goes even deeper to the one of the cross. Without it, I would not be sitting here. Period. I am ever thankful for what my best Friend endured. I am ever thankful for the privelege of celebrating His LIFE.
Happy Easter to all of you. May this "message" grow stronger in our hearts that we might endure for the joy set before us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful!