"God, I super-dee-duper love you!"
This is what moves the heart of God. A child coming to Him in his own language and declaring his love for his Lord. Can you imagine what heaven sounds like when these prayers reach their ears? There are no patronizing, "that's-just-cute" responses. I believe Heaven responds with a symphonic roar to these prayers, adding their own words of love and affection to their Maker. Oh for just a glimpse of this, just a taste of this pure worship. Maybe we are given a taste of it, if we open our ears to our own children? Definitely something to think about?!
This is what moves the heart of God. A child coming to Him in his own language and declaring his love for his Lord. Can you imagine what heaven sounds like when these prayers reach their ears? There are no patronizing, "that's-just-cute" responses. I believe Heaven responds with a symphonic roar to these prayers, adding their own words of love and affection to their Maker. Oh for just a glimpse of this, just a taste of this pure worship. Maybe we are given a taste of it, if we open our ears to our own children? Definitely something to think about?!